Sunday, May 9, 2010

Task12. Independence Night

14 Shenkin st.
Tel Aviv
August 2nd, 2010

Haaretz News
P.O. Box 1275

Dear Editor,

I have just read the article about the acohol-fueled violence on Lake Kinneret, and I'm really concered. I'd like to intruduce my opinion about(ww. - regarding) this event.

Well, it begins with the simple "mission" of the life-guard: "Could you turn your music down please?". The most scary fact is that the life-guard should have to thank the youngsters for not being attacked for what he said..

The second thing is what the commander of the Tiberias police station said: "People were getting drunk left, right and center". I'm sure that everyone on the beach was afraid of the youngsters who got drunk. I think that this is a profe(sp.) for(of) the alcohol drinking results(wo. - of the results of drinking alcohol).

Well, I'm sure that everyone who was there on that night won't forget it. - not enough. What do you think should be done about this?

Sincerely yours,

Itay Blayer

This is better.



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