Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Disaster Between Our Ears

Researches have shown that Fast Food is not healthy for our body and we should eat unprocessed food. They have proven that processed food changes our behavior and makes us behave badly. Fast food is made by unprofessional young men who are not skilled for their work - making food.The fast food, unlike food from a regular restaurant,  is placed on templates that are placed outside, exposed to all the germs in the air. All those facts prove that, junk food is not healthy for our body.

Four years ago, there was a case in the USA that caused a huge public discusion - a man who sued McDonalds for serving unhealthy food. The man decided to eat ONLY McDonalds food for a whole year, and he gained 30 kg. At the end, McDonalds were (found) guilty, and promised to serve only healthy fast food. Once again, junk food can't replace our "regular" food, such as vegetables, fruits, chicken (home-made), potatoes and more.

In the last 3 years McDonalds promoted a T.V commercial whose job is(gr. - was) making McDonald's image better(phr. - improving McDonalds' image), "fast food isn't so unhealthy as you think". As a matter of fact, it worked. McDonald's profits increased in the last year. 

 To conclude, I think that home-made food was, is, and will be the best food of all kind (home-made and fast food), and maybe in the future home-made food will be served in cans,(New sentence) till then - home made is the best.

Better. Good work.

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