Monday, October 18, 2010

Deportation of foreign workers' children

This year, on August the 1st, the government of Israel has decided to deport 400 children, who were raised here by foreign workers. These children were born and raised in Israel, they learn in Israeli schools and do not even recognize the language and the culture of the countries from which their parents have come.

So who is responsible for  this shameful decision? And what is the reason for his decision?
The Minister of Interior, Eli Ishay and his colleagues think they are the representatives of the Jewish religion. When they are concerned Jewishness is a system, Jewishness is a status, Jewishness is a weapon, Jewishness is extortion, Jewishness becomes every common criminal in a disguise, wearing a kippa while appearing in court in front of the media cameras.

As opposed to Minister Ishay, my Jewishness is concerned about careness(ww. - caring), human love, helping people in trouble, caring about those who have less and need more, those who need my human response. Maybe it contradicts religious Laws and the religious legislators' agenda, but in my eyes being Jewish is humanism that was burnt in me through the acquaintance with the Jewish fate in days of inhumanity and human indifference. More so, I am a Jewish Israeli.

These 400 hundred children are more Israeli than many other Israelis (by certificates), with or without a black paw, with or without black suit or governmental positions. These foreign children are more Jewish from where I stand, than all those who abuse the term "Jew" by their deeds and by their political manipulations.

I want to remind everyone that 8 years ago, Israel deported to Lebanon 415 Palestinian activists. This was the birthday of the Hamas, and we pay the price of that stupid decision until this very moment. Now the State of Israel wants to carry out another deportation, totally different: The deportation of the little children, enemies of the Jewish future and the Jewish identity.

This is how Judaism becomes Racism and we, the Israelis become the Perpetrators, or at least – the Bystanders.The price of this injustice will be paid by our children and their grandchildren after them. This will be a Cain Stain on their Jewish identity.

To conclude my opinion, the Holocaust was an abomination that once and for all showed the world that Jews were persecuted unjustly, treated with horrid disregard to their lives, and continuously insulted, demonized, hurt, murdered and finally massacred for merely being Jews. Let us not arrive at the point where the reasons that underlined the establishment of  this country will become the basis for its destruction.

Itay, it seems that most of your essay is not written in your own words. You were not supposed to include in your essay the whole article you've read. You were supposed to summarize its main points in the 1st paragraph, and state the opposing sides of the arguments, in your own words. Also, it is unnecessarily too long. If you want your grade to change, correct your work according to my remarks.

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