Monday, September 27, 2010

Konzentrationslager Dachau - תיקון

A year ago i was on an Israeli delegation to Germany. We were visit(gr. - visited) some important places in Germany, such as Marienplatz (the holy Maria square), BMW manufacture at Munich and some christian church places. The journey's purpose was for the German students to host the Israeli students in(ww. - on) June 2009, and the Israeli students will(gr.-would) host the German students in(ww. - on) September 2009, so they become close and(מיותר) friends.  As a part of the journey, we were at a Concentration Camp at Dachau, which i(I) decided to write about(it) in my task.

Dachau was the first Nazi concentration camp opened in Germany, located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the medieval town of Dachau, about 16 km northwest of Munich in the state of Bavaria, which is located in southern Germany. Opened on 22 March 1933, it was the first regular concentration camp established by the coalition government of the National Socialist Party (Nazi Party) and the German Nationalist People's Party (dissolved on 6 July 1933). Heinrich HimmlerChief of Police of Munich, officially described the camp as "the first concentration camp for political prisoners." Dachau served as a prototype and model for the other Nazi concentration camps that followed. Almost every community in Germany had members taken away to these camps. The place is surrounded by watchtowers, which were probably filled by the German soldiers at that horrible period. The camp is also surrounded by an electric fence so the "prisoners" couldn't escape without getting killed or seriousley injured.

The moment I entered the place, I felt a huge energy, a terrible energy, I was sad, angry, and I think I was in shock becuase the place look(gr. - looked) like a normal goverment facility, but as I was told by the Israeli guide,  many terrible things happened there. We decided to put Kipa on our heads and take out our Israeli flag. We went to a synagoguewhich was built esspecially there after the war, and we did an exciting thing - we built a "Magen David" shape from Burning soul candels. We all were(wo.) proud at what we did there, it was very satisfying. We did it for the memory of the children who were our age and lost their parents and getting(gr. - got) killed in this terrible place.

In conclusion, this experience was very important and I am very glad that I've been through it, and I think that everyone should be there and feel what I felt. I think that after I've been there, I could understand what my grandfather and my grandmother had been through becuase they are Holocaust survivors. That journey was very exciting, especially to some Israelis like me, who has a grandfather and grandmother who are Holocaust survivorsI recomand to every Israeli student to visit in such places to keep our legasy and to remember what happened to our privious generation so we won't let it happen ever again.


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