Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Name


Itay (ee-tai) is a biblical name. Itay was one of King David's army Generals. He was not Jewish, but rather a Philistine (plishti - an ancient people that lived in the land of Israel) from the city of Gath, next to Ashkelon. When David flees from Absolom, he tells Itai that it is wiser not to follow him, but Itai chooses to go with David and his household anyway. The name can also be written: Ittai, Etay, Itai, Ytai, Etai, Itaj, or Eatai. The name translates loosely as "friendly."

My parents gave me my name because it is a a biblical name, and because they liked that name Actually, they thought that this it was a boy's name.

I'm feeling quite good about my name. I feel that this is the perfect name for me, I wouldn't change it because I am realy connected to the name. .In fact, this is the rarest name in Israel for 2008, so I don't hear that name a lot.

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