Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18, 2009

Dear Danny,

How are you? Is your mom ok? I hope she's feeling good. What about your new iPhone? Is it really that good? Well, all I can say is that in Israel the whole family is fine, and uncle Dana gave birth to a girl, they named her "Jenny". I heard that Hagar went to a concert of Rihanna? Is that true?Write to me about it...

Well, I have a little problem and I hope you will help me solve it.

I'm writing to you because I had a really big test last friday and I really had to get an excellent grade so I studied a lot, something like 2 weeks,(Start a new sentence) the test was in Math. I read the material due(מיותר) all week and at(ww.) the day before the test I stayed up late because I wanted to be sure that I'm(gr.) ready, and I was.

Unfortunately, I couldn't focus on my test paper the next day, and I think I failed it.
What should I do? Should i talk with my parents about it? Should i talk with my Math teacher? I didn't talked(gr.) about it with no one, I hope you will help me in(ww.) it, because that(מיותר) this test is really important to me. It is the last test of the semester and I am really worried about it, so please advise me what should I(wo.) do?

I'm waiting for your answer, and as always, miss you a lot....

Your cousin,
Good work.

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