Friday, April 1, 2011


Where is your address and the date?

5 Cohen Street
Tel Aviv

Dear Diesel Manager(ww. - sir/madam),
I am writing this letter in order to complain about the prices raisment(ww.) at Diesel.

I am buying(gr.) your clothes and shoes for over 7 years, and suddenly I found out that your prices has(gr.) raised over 30%, this is not good news for me, and for all (of) your clients.

Furthermore, your clients may aband(sp.) you because of this horroble(ww.+sp.) descision. I am one of those clients, unless you will(מיותר) give me some discount at your shops for 10% at least.

Sincierly Yours,
Guy Pnini

This letter is too general and too short.

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