Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Task

How can I Help? - 2.0

With the improvement of technolegy, we are doing less physicall things and spending our time in the virtual world, in which you need only to move your finger. Due to that, we are doing less things for our community and we forget the place we live in. For example, take the Facebook - we are hanging(gr.-use the present simple) out with our friends online and it seems like we forget how is it(wo.) like to be with them in reality.

Volunteering at the local nursing home is a good example of how to help our community. We can go to the local nursing home once a week, for an hour, and help the elderly, play with them or just talk with them.In addition, we can also go out to the streets once a week and clean the streets of papers and other small pieces of garbage. It will help our enviroment to stay clean and healthy.

Volunteering also helps us to be more responsible and much more independent. In the future it will help you to be (a) more active person and it will design(ww.) you as a better person to the society. I, personally, volunteered at the local library and spent 3 hours a week for two years. I felt good with myself and had a great satisfaction to give something to my community without expecting a(ww.-anything in) return. 

I have mentioned a few(ww.-several)  ways of helping our community, but there are a lot more. We just need to think a little longer to find more ways by ourself(gr.-ourselves). The education system in Israel is pushing youngsters to volunteer by giving Teudat Bagrut only to those who volunteered.

Much better. Good work.

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